Apply and Audition

Admission to the Dewberry School of Music is a Two-Step Process for all levels of study.

Admission to George Mason University does not guarantee your acceptance into our programs. However, all College of Visual and Performing Arts majors must be admitted to George MasonPlease submit an application to the University prior to completing your Dewberry School of Music application.

Audition Days

Audition days begin with an information session for students and parents about the Dewberry School of Music, followed by a meeting with the students and our student ambassadors. Students are then able to begin warming up for their audition. There will be opportunities for tours of the music facilities, as well as full campus tours given by admissions. Register for a full campus tour. Find a list of audition day dates under the appropriate section below.

For any questions about auditions or the application process, email our Auditions and Recruitment Coordinator, Christina Ortiz, at or call 703-993-1380. 

Audition Process

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Audition Days for 2024-2025

  • Saturday, December 7th, 2024
  • Saturday, January 25th, 2025
  • Saturday, February 8th, 2025
  • Friday, February 28th, 2025
  • Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 (Note: This date is limited to Transfer Applicants and already Admitted Students ONLY)


  • University Early Action, Honors College, and University Merit Scholarship Consideration Deadline: November 1 
    (Schedule audition by November 7)
  • University Regular Decision Deadline: February 1 
    (Schedule audition by February 7)
  • School of Music Merit Scholarship Consideration: Complete an audition prior to March 1
  • Spring Admission Priority Deadline: October 1

Audition Information and Requirements

Link to Dewberry School of Music Application 

Please select and complete the “School of Music Undergraduate Audition Application” not the Graduate application. Please submit the School of Music application no later than two weeks prior to your selected audition date to secure an audition time. Details for your audition will be sent by email in the weeks leading up to the audition. 

Transfer applicants applying for the Fall semester after the March 16 Audition Day should plan to submit their SlideRoom application and complete their audition no later than the last Friday in July. 

Note: Please ensure that when setting up your Slideroom account, you provide an email address you check regularly as this is how the School of Music will communicate important audition information and results. 

Results: Your Dewberry School of Music results will be sent by email following the audition. In order to be accepted to the Dewberry School of Music, you must be admitted to George Mason University. George Mason University admission decisions are separate, and follow a different timeline. In many cases, your Dewberry School of Music audition may take place to prior to knowing your admissions decision. 

Please contact the School of Music at with any questions.

Find audition requirements by concentration.

Auditions Days for 2024-2025

  • Saturday, December 7th, 2024
  • Saturday, January 25th, 2025
  • Saturday, February 8th, 2025
  • Friday, February 28th, 2025


  • Fall Admission Standard Deadline: February 1
  • Spring Admission Deadline: October 1 

Audition Information and Requirements

During the application process, applicants will be given a link to SlideRoom to submit their School of Music pre-screening materials and register for an audition date. Following your audition, your admission decision will come directly from the college after your application has been reviewed. See below for more information. 

    Required Application Materials 

    Please compile the following materials to be submitted on the University application and SlideRoom. 

    • Online Application
    • Pre-screening materials (See below for more information.) 
    • One- to two-page Goals Statement 
    • Two Letters of Recommendation 
    • Transcripts from all colleges/universities where a previous degree was earned – undergraduate bachelor’s degree or higher (unofficial copies can be uploaded to the online application and considered for admissions purposes). 
    • Resume 
    • Repertoire list (Performance and Pedagogy only) 
    • Philosophy of Music Education Statement (Music Education only)

    Applicants who were educated outside of the United States can find detailed information about Transcripts, Evaluations, and English Language Proficiency Requirements at the International Student page

    For general information about admission to our programs, contact CVPA Graduate Admissions or visit the College of Visual and Performing Arts Graduate Admissions page.

    Find pre-screening and audition requirements by concentration.

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    Audition Days for 2024-2025

    • Saturday, January 25th, 2025
    • Saturday, February 8th, 2025*
    • Friday, February 28th, 2025

    *Only date for DMA Jazz applicants to complete a live audition*

    Doctoral conducting auditions will be scheduled individually with the candidate and will be determined by the respective ensemble schedule.

    For Conducting applicants, please note that the Conducting program will not be accepting applications for DMA Wind Conducting. All other conducting programs are open and accepting applications.


    Fall consideration only: January 15

    Audition/Interview Information and Requirements

    Auditions/Interviews for all doctoral programs are scheduled after review of application and pre-screening materials. During the application process, applicants will be sent a link to SlideRoom to submit their materials and register for an audition date.

    Only those candidates who have passed the pre-screening round will be invited to audition/interview. The Dewberry School of Music will contact applicants directly to schedule an audition/interview.

    Following your audition, your admission decision will come directly from the college after your application has been reviewed. See below for more information. 

    Entrance Requirements For All Doctoral Programs:

    Please compile the following materials to be submitted on the University application and SlideRoom:

    • Online Application 
    • Master’s degree in music from accredited college or university with overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.50 or above in the area of specialization (music education, performance, conducting, or composition).
    • A sample of academic writing about music, such as a graduate-level paper from a musicology, music theory, or music education course taken during master’s-level studies.
    • Two letters of recommendation from faculty members or those who can evaluate the applicant’s academic, professional, and artistic potential.
    • Resume of academic, artistic, and professional accomplishments and positions. DMA applicants should include a repertoire list of publicly performed works.

    Applicants who were educated outside of the United States can find detailed information about Transcripts, Evaluations, and English Language Proficiency Requirements at the International Student page

    Find pre-screening and audition requirements by concentration.

    “There is not enough space here to articulate my gratitude. The dedicated faculty at George Mason supported me, encouraged me, and provided me with a top-rate music education at the postgraduate level. Most importantly, my professors all modeled excellence in academics, musicianship, professionalism, leadership, and pedagogy. I have tried to carry this forward in my role as a conductor, educator, and administrator.” – DMA student, 2011