Adjunct Faculty FAQs

Find Answers to Questions Posed by Adjuncts Based on the Most Recent Information Available

Questions are grouped under these headings:

  • List of administrative duties
  • Questions about applying to the Dewberry School of Music
  • Questions about advising for admitted students
  • Questions about operations and scheduling
  • Questions about compensation for various activities
  • Questions about faculty performance opportunities
  • Questions about day-to-day logistics
  • Miscellaneous


Dr. Linda Apple Monson, Director, Dewberry School of Music; Director of Keyboard Studies

  • Official spokesperson for the Dewberry School of Music
  • Hiring authority
  • Budget supervision
  • Personnel supervision (full time, adjunct, staff)
  • Development/fundraising

Associate Director

Dr. Tom Owens

  • Dewberry School of Music course scheduling
  • Undergraduate curriculum
  • Advising and transfer evaluations
  • Undergraduate admissions

Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Gregory Robinson

  • Graduate curriculum
  • Graduate advising and placement tests
  • Graduate admissions
  • Supervision of graduate lecturers
  • Staff Duties

Academic Program Manager

Dr. Carrie Ann Delaney

  • Advisor for all current and transfer students
  • Student degree requirements and progress
  • Coordinates academic scheduling
  • Applied music coordinator
  • Grade coordinator and proxy
  • Implements academic policy
  • Maintains student records

Assistant to the Director/Marketing Coordinator

Lauren Rigby

  • Scheduling for Director
  • Inventory liaison
  • Student workers
  • Website/newsletters/social media
  • Purchasing
  • Travel

Audition Coordinator

Christina Ortiz

  • Recruitment Assistant
  • Manage schedule, coordinate, and oversee all undergraduate and graduate audition days for the Dewberry School of Music
  • Point of contact for all music recruitment events including shadow days and instrument days
  • Oversee processing of all applications and results and communicate with University and CVPA admissions, area directors, and ensemble directors
  • Oversee all communication of undergraduate acceptance and denial letters
  • Manage student files for scholarship information to communicate with scholarship committee
  • Meet with prospective students and parents
  • Represent the School of Music at University admissions events, conferences, and outside arts-specific events

Business and Operations Manager

Ellen Rizzuto

  • School of Music event calendars
  • Internal event coordination: Concerts, faculty recitals, room coordination, production, departmentals, masterclasses, juries
  • External event coordination: Mason-hosted conferences, clinics, and other special events
  • Purchasing of ensemble music and instruments/equipment
  • Fiscal liaison and guest artist payments
  • Concert programs
  • Key requests and electronic swipe access
  • Facilities liaison
  • Inventory management

Operations Coordinator

Bridget Higgins

  • Student recital production, including performance and dress rehearsal scheduling, coordinating technical needs, copyright checks, and livestream support
  • Audio and video archives
  • Assists with all operations activities
  • Greek organization point of contact

Piano Technician

Emanuil Yorgov

  • Piano tuning and maintenance

Other important CVPA contacts

HR & Payroll Coordinator, College of Visual and Performing Arts

Meghan Blydenburgh

  • Assists with all financial and contract matters in conjunction with Dr. Monson

Finance Specialist, College of Visual and Performing Arts

Crystal Broomall

Assists with all financial and contract matters in conjunction with Dr. Monson

Questions about applying to the Dewberry School of Music

Application deadlines


See Apply and Audition page for all deadlines.


  • Fall admission: March 1
  • Spring admission: October 1


See the Apply and Audition page for graduate deadlines.

Where can I access audition requirements?

See the audition requirements for Undergraduate, Master's and Doctoral degrees.

Where can I access the requirements for each degree?

See the Degree Programs page.

Questions about operations and scheduling

What should I do if I see a problem with the facilities?

Faculty, staff, and students should report and facilities-related issues, including maintenance, repair, equipment, and temperature requests, to the Dewberry School of Music Office at 703-993-1380.

How do I make a space reservation?

Please email the Business and Operations Manager (Ellen Rizzuto) or the Operations Coordinator (Bridget Higgins) for any space or scheduling requests.

When submitting any space requests, please include the following information:

  • Room name(s)
  • Date & time
  • Intended use
  • Name of any associated class/classes
  • Contact person for the event

Which spaces can I schedule?

Operations schedules all PAB and MTB rehearsal and performance spaces designated for the Dewberry School of Music. This does not include Harris Theatre, the Center for the Arts Concert Hall, or Hylton Performing Arts Center spaces. Operations can assist in scheduling these spaces, but they are subject to priority booking procedures, availability, and CVPA approval. Teaching studios are scheduled though Operations (Bridget Higgins). The Conference Room (PAB 417M) may be reserved by faculty, staff, or student organizations for meetings, classes, or examinations. University spaces outside of the Dewberry School of Music must be requested through events management at 703-993-2853, or through Operations if they are coordinating the rest of the event.

How do I schedule concerts for my ensemble?

The Operations team assists faculty producers in the scheduling of all concerts and events. Scheduling of large ensemble performances begins during the Fall semester of the preceding academic year. Scheduling meetings will be called, and the final event calendar will be finalized at the beginning of the Spring semester. Chamber ensemble concerts are scheduled alongside student recitals on a semesterly basis.

When is the last day I can change my ensemble concert date?

The events calendar for each semester is considered final after the Registrar-designated add/drop deadline. Past this date, changes to course syllabi related to performance and rehearsal schedules must be approved by the Director.

May I reserve a space on a recurring basis?

With the exception of registrar-designated class and rehearsal times, recurring space reservations must be confirmed with the Business and Operations Manager or the Operations Coordinator at the beginning of each semester.

Whom can I speak with about marketing?

Lauren Rigby is our Dewberry School of Music Marketing Coordinator. She can help market your performance by creating posters, post on social media, submit it to University Events, hang posters around the campus, etc.

Whom do I contact with website concerns?

Lauren Rigby is the Dewberry School of Music webmaster.

What event support can I receive?

In order to receive event technical support, please submit the requested needs by the date indicated on the survey email sent by Operations. All events in the Concert Hall will be managed by CFA staff. Harris Theatre events are staffed by the Arts Support Umbrella (ASU) staff. Events in Dewberry School of Music spaces (deLaski 3001, Choral Room, Band Room) are staffed by a stage manager and front of house staff on a case-by-case basis. Many events in the Dewberry School of Music spaces will receive student volunteer support from one of the student Greek organizations dependent upon availability.

What if I want to use a Dewberry School of Music space for non-University activities?

All space bookings unrelated to university activities are considered rentals. The CVPA Scheduling and Rentals Coordinator is the primary contact for all rentals for the College of Visual and Performing Arts. If you are unsure whether your event would be considered a rental, please consult the Business and Operations Manager (Ellen Rizzuto).

Whom can I contact to request an event program?

The Business and Operations Manager (Ellen Rizzuto) is the primary contact for all large ensemble event programs. The Operations Manager will work with the large ensemble Directors to gather all necessary materials. Event producers for small ensembles and recitals can utilize the template located on our website to create an event program. All ready-for-print programs can be submitted directly to Print Services (located in the HUB) or to the Operations Manager for printing. All programs must be submitted for printing at least two weeks prior to the event’s scheduled date. Please contact the Operations Manager for assistance.

How do my students schedule recitals?

The Operations Coordinator is the primary contact for all recital-related questions. Recital deadlines, policies, and procedures are posted on the website. Please refer to this page for checklists, instructions, and more.

Where are the practice rooms located?

View the guide to general and area-specific practice rooms here.

How do I get access to the practice rooms?

Practice rooms are accessed using your Mason ID card. Contact the Business and Operations Manager (Ellen Rizzuto) to have swipe access added to your Mason ID card. Please provide her with your G number and which rooms you need access to. If you are an applied adjunct faculty member with a new access request, please note that access cannot be changed/added until your first pay day of the current semester. In the mean time you can request a loaner card from the Business and Operations Manager (Ellen Rizzuto).

Who is Required to Perform a Jury?

  • All minors, undergraduate, and graduate music majors are required to perform a jury, unless they are giving a degree recital that particular semester.
  • Non-major students are not required to perform a jury.
  • Winners of the concerto competition do not have to play a jury.

How are faculty chosen to adjudicate auditions, juries, and recitals?

Area Directors manage faculty participation in these events.

How many people are supposed to be on a jury or audition panel?

There should be three people. Voice juries are often larger (4-6 people). The Graduate Committee, along with relevant faculty, will hear DMA auditions.

How are faculty appointed and paid to sit on audition panels and judge recitals/juries?

Area Directors are required to sit on audition panels and to adjudicate juries and recitals. Area Directors may appoint additional adjunct faculty as needed. Appointed faculty will be paid for their time.

Are applied faculty welcome to be a part of seating auditions?

The ensemble directors conduct seating auditions. Faculty wishing to participate should contact the director of the appropriate ensemble.

Questions about compensation

How can I determine when I get paid?

Please visit the HR website to view the payroll calendar.

How can submit my timesheet?

Please visit the HR website to view directions about timesheet information.

What other additional duties can faculty be paid for?

These events include adjudicating recitals and juries (outside of one's own studio), and prospective student lessons. All payments must be approved by the Director. Please fill out the Applied Adjunct Faculty Additional Hours Form to submit your extra hours as described in this answer.

Is there a budget allocated to paying guest artists for masterclasses, and recitals?

Yes, please discuss this with your Area Director. There are limited funds available through the Dewberry School of Music to compensate guest artists. If your guest artist is not a U.S. citizen, please consult with the Business and Operations Manager (Ellen Rizzuto) regarding specialized payment policies before guaranteeing pay to your guest. 

Are there funds to defray conference and travel costs for work-related travels?

All travel expenses must be approved by the Director. Please fill out a Travel Reimbursement Request form. Once that is approved, please create an expense pre-approval form using the Mason Finance Gateway Portal. Once the trip is complete, upload relevant receipts and information to the Finance Gateway Portal.

Faculty Performance Opportunities

How is the Faculty Artist Series advertised?

The Marketing Coordinator, Lauren Rigby, creates posters and digital marketing materials for the recital.

Is it possible for faculty members to self-produce their own recitals on campus?

Yes, faculty may schedule recitals with the approval of the Director in deLaski 3001 and other specified venues outside of the formal Faculty Artist Series if it poses no cost to the Dewberry School of Music. Contact the Business and Operations Manager (Ellen Rizzuto) for scheduling and event production guidelines.

Day-to-day logistics

Where can I obtain directions and campus maps?

Find maps on the Campus Information website.

How do I get information about discounted parking and payroll deductions?

For complete information, visit the Parking Services website.

Where can I get information about commuting via bus, rideshare, bicycle, etc?

Please visit the Transportation website to view the various commuting options for faculty supported by Mason.

Where do I go for disability and mobility support for faculty?

Please visit the Disability Services website for FAQs and support.

How can I contact campus police for emergencies and non-emergencies?

  • Emergency – 911
  • Non-Emergency – 703-993-2810
  • TDD/TTY 703-993-2817
  • Reporting a Crime (Crime Solvers Anonymous Tip Hotline) – 703-993-4111

Physical Address of the deLaski Performing Arts Building

4480 Aquia Creek Lane, Fairfax, VA 22030

How can I obtain a police safety escort to my destination on campus if I feel unsafe?

Upon request, Mason police officers, security officers, or student cadets will accompany members of the Fairfax, Arlington, and Science and Technology Campuses between academic or residence buildings and parking lots. Safety escorts carry photo IDs at all times. They also carry flashlights, wear reflective clothing, and maintain communication with a communications officer via two-way radio. To request a safety escort, call Mason Police at 703-993-2810. If you are in need of an escort due to physical injury, please contact Parking and Transportation or call 703-993-2828.

How can I sign up for Mason Alert Emergency Notification System?

Mason Alert is George Mason University's emergency notification system that is used to send emergency notifications and timely warnings to the university community via text, e-mail, telephone call, and digital signage. Mason alert is also used to notify the Mason community of inclement weather and other closures.

Where can I get my Mason ID Card?

The Mason Card is your ID along with your electronic access key rooms and facilities on campus, and holds Mason money. Faculty can obtain their Mason ID card at one of the following locations listed on the Mason ID website.

To obtain your Mason ID

  • Faculty/Staff, contract employees, and affiliates must complete the electronic approval hiring process.
  • Have a form of picture ID (i.e. current driver’s license, military ID, Visa, Passport) to present before receiving your first Mason ID.
  • Bring your G Number.

How can I make photocopies for my classes?

You may use Print Services in the HUB or use the photocopier in the Music Office. A student worker or staff member in the office can assist you with logging into the copier. Additionally, you can set up a print account using your Mason ID. Contact Lauren Rigby to get printing access. Large and expensive copy projects (color printing, large sizes, etc.) must be approved by the Director.

How can I access syllabi from previous classes?

Please email the Assistant to the Director, Lauren Rigby, with any syllabi requests.

Where can I meet with students individually during office hours?

Adjunct faculty should contact the Operations Office to book space for their office hours.

Does the Dewberry School of Music have a Scantron machine?

There is a Scantron machine stored in the music office (PAB 417). It can be set-up in the work room upon request.

Where can I get help with technology or IT support?

You may email ITS Support Center or call 703-993-8870. Consult these instructions if you would like to register for IT-related webinars/trainings.

How can I connect to the Wifi?

Find information on University Wifi on the ITS website.

Whom should I contact if I have a question or concern about my job?

The Director handles all personnel issues. You may also contact Human Resources or call them at 703-993-2600.

When are final grades due?

Grades are due 48 hours after the scheduled final exam for the course. All grades must be turned in by the Thursday of the second week of exams.

How do I submit final grades?

Submit final grades via PatriotWeb and Blackboard.

Dr. Delaney is the grade coordinator and grade proxy; she can assist with any grade-related questions.

Applied Music Cards

  • Applied lesson cards are required each semester. These cards will help keep track of the required lessons throughout the semester.
  • Please see Dr. Delaney to pick up these cards at the beginning of each semester. At the end of the semester (prior to the final jury performance), all cards must be signed by the faculty member and student, and turned in to Dr. Delaney. Please contact Dr. Delaney with any questions.

Miscellaneous Items

Where can I find important dates and deadlines for the semester?

Visit the Registrar’s website.

Whom do I need to notify if I need to change a lesson time or location?

Please email the student directly as soon as possible and the Operations Coordinator Bridget Higgins.

How can I propose a new class or suggest a change to the curriculum?

The Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Planning Committee and the Graduate Committee make full recommendations to the full faculty regarding changes and additions to the curriculum for their respective areas. The committees meet monthly during the academic year. Suggestions from faculty are welcome, and meetings of the committees are open. Contact Dr. Tom Owens (undergraduate) or Dr. Greg Robinson (graduate) for additional information.

Who do I speak with if I have concerns about an honor code violation (plagiarism, cheating, etc.)?

Please refer these cases to either Dr. Owens or Dr. Delaney. Documentation will need to be sent to the Office of Academic Integrity so that an investigation can take place.

What is the university's policy for religious holidays regarding student attendance?

View the official catalogue policy here. We encourage you to include this in your syllabus.

Where can I find dates of religious holidays?

Mason's University Life office provides a calendar of religious holiday dates here.

Updated September 2024