Dewberry School of Music ensembles are open to any George Mason University student based on passing the seating placement auditions.
For questions or concerns regarding auditions, please see area point of contacts below.
Brass - Dr. Caroline Steiger
Choral - Dr. Lisa Billingham
Jazz – Dr. Darden Purcell
George Mason Bands – Dr. William L. Lake, Jr.
Percussion - Prof. Jonathan Bisesi
Strings – Dr. Soo Han
Woodwinds - Dr. Kathy Mulcahy
Please take note of the following points:
- If you are interested in participating in one of the ensembles, please print the excerpts below, and sign up for an audition time.
- Non-majors from the university community who wish to audition for the Symphonic Band may prepare the excerpts listed below OR a solo/etude of their choice.
- Brass and Woodwind auditions are blind (students audition behind a screen).
- Students will be expected to arrive outside of the room assigned for their specific instrument at least 10 minutes prior to your audition.
- You must have your instrument and music out, tuned and ready to perform at this time.
- A note to winds/brass music majors: Your applied professor may give you different excerpts to prepare for this audition. If that is the case, please bring the excerpts your professor provides. If not, please prepare the excerpts listed below.
Audition Excerpts
Jazz - Spring 2025
- Instrumental Piece:
- Backing track: Days of Wine and Roses
- Drummer-less backing track: Days of Wine and Roses
- Instrumentalists: Play the melody for one chorus and improvise for multiple choruses. In addition, there will be sight-reading on the audition. Please bring your own musical accompaniment/backing track for iPod, Phone or CD player. (Bring adapter if your phone does not have a headphone jack)
- Vocalists: Sing one song of your choice (jazz preferred), sight-read a solo musical line, and sing a brief tonal melody test. Please bring your own musical accompaniment/backing track for either iPod, Phone or CD player.
Find out more about Jazz auditions.
Strings - Spring 2025
String Audition Materials and Information
Below are the STRING audition requirements for Mason Symphony Orchestra & Mason Concert Orchestras. Wind and percussionists who wish to be considered to be a part of the Mason Symphony Orchestra must audition with the band department.
Mason Symphony Orchestra is the major symphonic orchestra at the Reva & Sid Dewberry School of Music. Orchestra consists of mainly music majors and rehearses MW 4:30pm – 6:15pm in additional to scheduled strings sectionals on certain Fridays 4:30pm – 5:45pm. ALL members MUST successfully pass an audition to be placed into this ensemble. Non music majors may audition for this ensemble. Students who do not pass the audition will be placed into the Mason Concert Orchestra.
Mason Concert Orchestra is an “all-campus”, string orchestra, open to any students at GMU. Orchestra is open to students of all ability levels. Orchestra rehearses once a week on Wednesdays, 7:20pm – 10pm. All members must audition to be placed into this ensemble.
Please read the audition requirements for each ensemble carefully.
Mason Symphony auditions will take place on the first day of the semester (Tuesday, January 21). Auditions will take place during the first two days of the semester. Mason Concert Orchestra auditions will take place during the first class meeting of the semester (Wednesday, January 22).
Sign up for an audition time will be made available on the School of Music Ensemble Auditions website approximately 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester. Contact Dr. Soo Han or Michael Stern for any questions you may have.
Mason SYMPHONY Orchestra String Auditions:
- Required. Excerpts below from Respighi's Pines of Rome
- Optional. Short solo of your choice (3-5 mins) demonstrating your technical and musical skillset. Sections, excerpts from larger works permitted. Students new to George Mason are encouraged to include this as part of your audition to showcase your skillsets more completely.
- Music Parts can be accessed online here.
Required Excerpts
Violin I**
1. Mvt. I: TOP LINE, 12 before [3] to downbeat 8 before [4] PULSE = 72 (in ONE)
2. Mvt. III: 6 before [16] to downbeat of [16], dotted quarter = 52
Violin II**
1. Mvt. I, TOP LINE, 12 before [3] to downbeat of 8 before [4], PULSE = 72 (in ONE)
2. Mvt. I, pickup into 8 after [4] to downbeat of [5], PULSE = 72 (in ONE)
**Violinists auditioning for Mason Symphony Orchestra should decide if choosing to audition for 1st or 2nd violin section.
- You MUST audition for 1st violin section if you wish to be considered to be placed in the 1st violin section. Violinists auditioning for 2nd violin section will only be considered for placement in the 2nd violin section
- If you audition on 1st violin section, you may be accepted into MSO but be placed into the 2nd violin section based on the audition
- If you wish to be considered one of the Aitel Scholars, you MUST audition on the 1st violin part
1. Mvt. I: 8 before [3] to downbeat of 9 before [4], PULSE = 72 (in ONE)
2. Mvt. I: 4 before [6] to downbeat of 6 before [7], PULSE = 72 (in ONE)
1. Mvt. I: [1] to downbeat of 4 before [2], PULSE = 72 (in ONE)
2. Mvt. I: TOP LINE, 16 before [9] to 8 after [9], PULSE = 88
1. Mvt. II: TOP LINE, Beginning to 4 after [10], quarter = 52
2. Mvt. II: [11] to downbeat of 5 after [11], quarter = 60
Mason CONCERT Orchestra String Auditions:
- Required. Short solo of your choice (3-5 mins) demonstrating your technical and musical skillset. Sections, excerpts from larger works permitted.
- Optional. In lieu of a solo (if you do not have a solo that you can play for whatever reason), you may prepare an excerpt that we will provide here.
- Students may audition with both a solo AND excerpts if they choose.
Students interested in Concert Orchestra should contact Michael Stern with any questions
Choirs - Spring 2025
- University Chorale Auditions: Sing 16 measures of a prepared song excerpt. You will also be asked to do pitch matching and musicianship testing.
- University Singers Auditions: Sing 16 measures of a prepared song excerpt. You will also be asked to sing your part against another part of a four-part short excerpt, do pitch matching, and musicianship testing.
Wind, Brass, and Percussion - Spring 2025
Sign Up for An Audition
- Brass Seating Audition Sign-Up Link Spring 2025
- Fill out and bring your Audition Registration Form (required)
Jazz (Instrumental & Vocal)
Jazz Ensembles are open to all university students (instrumentalists and vocalists) regardless of major, based on a successful audition the first two days of classes each semester. Questions can be directed to Dr. Darden Purcell.
Please contact Prof. Jon Bisesi.
- Fill out and bring your Audition Registration Form (required)
- SYMPHONY Orchestra Only - Seating Audition Sign-Up Link Spring 2025
- CONCERT Orchestra Only - Seating Audition Sign-Up Link Spring 2025
- ALL string students MUST audition prior to enrolling in orchestra. Please see audition information above under the “Strings” Section of “Audition Excerpts.”
- Woodwind Seating Audition Sign-Up Link Spring 2025
- Fill out and bring your Audition Registration Form (required)
- Opera Auditions for Spring 2025 took place in December 2024. Questions can be directed to Prof. Patricia Miller and Prof. Richard Leech.